DUBvelopers - MSA UW

Website development and helping underrepresented communities and organizations in Seattle. This was the goal of DUBvelopers now known as Web Impact UW. For this project my team was given the client of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) a club at the University of Washington. Understanding and creating a suitable website for MSA was the goal of our design process.

My Roles

  • Website Design Member

  • Mobile Design Member

  • Functionality

  • Research/Ideating

Design Process


  • Figma


Researching MSA and understanding the club was how we began our project. We wanted to create a website that truly resembled the club and what they stood for. Creating a mood board was how we began ideating and testing out different looks, such as with their logo.


Once we understood MSA better and had a grasp on some early concepts we moved forward into wireframing and the layout of the website. There were many iterations and edits on the design to create an appropriate format to follow.

High-fidelity wireframing was our next step, but before we checked in with our client and showed them the work we had up to that point. We asked for any feedback on the pages, themes, photos, and text planned to be used for the website. Given approval we began our design plan. I was in charge of editing several of the text excerpts, as well as designing the opening page, gallery, about page, and about Islam page.


After wireframing was complete we began the process of prototyping and putting all of the pieces together. The addition of colors to pages as well as a finalized layout, text, photos, and flow were complete. On Figma an interactive form of the website was made to resemble what the final product would work like.

Mobile Adaption

A mobile version of the website was then completed. I worked on my pages and converted them to fit the screen of a smartphone. This was the final piece of the project and when complete the design was handed off to the coding team to implement and publish the website design.


  • December 2022 - May 2023

Final Designs